Date: 26th April 2018
Place: St. Joseph boy’s Science Secondary School, Kituri

In response to the call of SMA Mission regarding the management of Floods at the Kifaru & Kituri villages the Govt. officeials, village leaders, Kifaru parish members and community leaders gathered at St. Joseph school to prepeare a stretergy to solve the problem of flood and how to haevest the rain water for the mountain. Fr. Alwyn mission superior welcomed all and socio economic director Fr. Victor spoke to the leaders about the problems happenned and the predicted future disster in a bigger way. Later Fr. Alwyn explanned through video visuals how to protect the nature, the steps to be taken and specially about how to harvest the rain water.

The village and community leaders and elders accepted to put ban on illigal stone, sand and soil mining. Also cutting of trees for charcol. Aroung 150 youth were elected and crested volunteer groups to inform concerned people about the illigal activities and save the nature from further damage.

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East Africa

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