Date: 22-24 June 2018
Place: St. Joseph Boy’s Science Secondary School, Kituri Mwanga
On 22nd to 24th of June 2018 the same diocesan youth leaders and TYCS animators training program took place at St. Joseph Boy’s Science Secondary School, Kituri Mwanga. The Animators of TYCS & Viwawa from different parts of the diocese started arriving and registered themselves from 10:00 am. This residential training program was arranged for the Animators of VIWAWA and TYCS and youth leaders. Total 52 participants attended the program. Fr. Samuel welcomed the participants and said that the aim of the diocese is to bring together the young people and animators of TYCS & Viwawa under one umbrella. The animators have been welcomed to this program to learn and go back to awaken the youth for they are steering wheels of the diocese; at present they are like sheep’s without shepherd.
The aim of the seminar was to train the animators so that they can go back with much enthusiasm and up-bring the youth in their respective parishes. Through this program learn how to animate the young people, how to help myself as animator and the young people, to learn how to bring youth to God, educate them for the development of the church.
Animator as a Father of Mercy: He has to be like the father of the prodigal son Luk15:11-32. We need to be merciful to the youth. God’s mercy should be our direction. A youth is facing different field of challenges, freedom youths need to be free but most of the freedom they want is against the law 5. When you go out of the line you feel alone and empty e.g. not attending to church. We should not judge them; let us not look at the bad side, but ways of bringing them back. To create ways of helping them so they can evaluate their life and come to church. Remember inside them there is light but have been forced to different things by circumstances following their instinct they fail. Reasons: selfishness the prodigal son was swallowed by the world. He was thinking of happy life but he was unable to fulfill what he wanted. We worship God though the youth.
The 3 days program was ended on Sunday 24th June with the Holy Eucharist celebrated by Bishop of same, during the mass animators and leaders pledge that they will support the diocesan youth ministry and help the young people in their respective parishes.