Date: 26-29 June 2018
Place: St. Joseph boy’s Science Secondary School
The annual children faith formation camp was organized from 26-29 June 2018 at St. Joseph school campus. Total 129 children from all the substations of Kifaru parish were participated in the camp. Fr. Hilary lobo and fr. George Crasta alongwith the help of kipapa coordinators, parish wawata and parish youth organized the 4 days residential camp.
In the 4 days long camp for the children various training and information sessions were conducted. The national coordinato for the kipapa and all the catechist of the parish were helpful in taking varoius sessions. Sisters from Ursuline covent Kifaru helped to conduct many games and action songs and they made the camp lively. The 4 day long camp ended on 29th Sunday with Holy Eucharist. During this ocassion Mr. Kivara, the retiered catechist of Kalimani was felicitated for the selfless service to the church and God’s people. Children enriched went back home after the camp.