Date: 22-09-2018
Place: St. Joseph boy’s Science Secondary School
The second Graduation ceremony of St. Joseph Science Secondary School was held on 22nd of September 2018 in the school campus. Day began with the solemn Holy Eucharist celebrated by Most Rev. Dr. Rogath Kimaryo S.S.Ps the bishop of same diocese. Most Rev. Dr. Aloysius Paul D’Souza the Bishop of Catholic Diocese Mangalore, India, Rev. Fr. Richard Aloysius Coelho, the Director of Fr. Muller’s Medical Collage, Mangalore, Rev. Fr. Alwyn M. J. D’Souza the SMA Mission Superior, Rev. Fr. Victor Machado, school headmaster, Rev. Fr. Hilary Lobo, Parish priest and other priests from same diocese were the concelebrants. The district commissioner of Moshi district Mr. Kippi Warioba was present during the Holy Eucharist. Many religious sisters, parents and students took part in the mass. School choir members conducted the melodious choir.
After the short break chief guest of the day Mr. Kippi Warioba inaugurated the science exhibition prepared by the science club students of St. Joseph boys’ secondary. Bishop Aloysius and bishop Rogath accompanied Mr. Warioba, following all the guests and parents took part in the exhibition.
After the science exhibition Dr. Aloysius Paul D’Souza Bishop of Mangalore presided over the graduation ceremony, Mr. Kippi Warioba the District Commissioner of Moshi was the chief guest of the function. Bishop Rogath and Rev. Fr. Richard Aloysius Coelho, the Director of Fr. Muller’s Medical Collage, Mangalore were the guest of honor for the function, many priests and religious sisters were present for the program. School Manager Rev. Alwyn M. J. D’Souza welcomed everyone and headmaster Rev. Victor Machado read the annual report. During the program chief guest Mr. Kippi Warioba honored the highest scorers and toppers in the regional and national examination and addressed the gathering. Fr. Richard addressed the gathering and honored the teaching and nonteaching staff. Bishop Rogath addressed the students and motivated them. All the guests honored the graduate students by presenting the form four certificates. Dr. Aloysius Paul D’Souza Bishop of Mangalore in his address appreciated all the teachers and management for the efforts they are putting in and congratulated all for good results. At the end same bishop honored Bishop Aloysius Paul D’Souza for all the contribution he has given to same mission. Mrs. Leonardo Laghua proposed vote of thanks. Program ended with sumptuous meal.