Date: 23-09-2018
Place: Immaculate Conception of Mary Parish Kifaru

On 23rd September 2018 the first ever Community wedding celebration took place at Kiaru parish. Total 9 couples were received the sacrament of matrimony on the occasion. Day began with the Holy eucharist celebrated by Fr. Filbert Kassira, the secretary general of diocese of same was the main celebrant. Bishop of Mangalore diocese Most. Rev. Dr. Aloysious Paul D’Souza, Rev. Fr. Richard Quello, Director of Father Mullers Medical Collage, Rev. Fr. Alwyn m. J. D’Souza, Mission Superior, Fr. Hilary lobo, Fr. Victor Machado, Fr. Joseph Rodrigures, Assistant parish Priest, Fr. George Crasta, hostel director were the concelebrants.   Fr. Holary Lobo  the parish priest, Fr. Victor Machado the school headmaster and Fr. Filbert blessed the couples and bestoved them with sacrament of matrimony.









After the short break there was formal function and reception was organized. Mr. Bonaventure Maro welcomed everyne. Bishop Aloysios Paul D’Souza presided over the function. Fr. Richard was the chief guest. During the ceremony parish priest Fr. Hilary lobo felivcitated the newly wedded couples. Bishop in his address congratulated the couples and appriciated the efforts of mission team and the parishiones. Fr. Rishard and Fr. Filbert too greeted the couples. On this occasion the parishioners gave veriety of cultural programs and dancese. At the end Fr. Hilary thanked one and all. Sumptuous meal was prepared for all.

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