Date: 27th to 31st December 2018
Place: St. Joseph boy’s Science Secondary School
The Viwawa Leaders diocesan residential Camp was held at Kifaru on 27th to 31st December 2018.This camp was special for VIWAWA leaders from 32 parishes of same diocese. It was organized by Same Youth Commission in collaboration with the Fr. Evance and 10 brothers from Don Bosco center MOSHI.
The camp was inaugurated by Holy Eucharist offered by Fr. Samuel Mvati. Fr. Hilary, parish priest of Kifaru Parish, Fr. Evance SDB & Fr. Alwyn were the concelebrants. Fr. Samuel welcomed everyone and introduced the brothers from Don Bosco seminary Moshi and volunteers from Kifaru Parish.
During the inaugural function Fr. Victor, Headmaster of St. joseph school addressed the young people and motivated them for the coming days. He also appreciated the efforts of youth commission to organize this camp. The 3 days camp had various activities including, sessions, walk for Christ, Sports & games, Talent fest, Taize prayer, Holy Eucharist, prayers, clay art making, campfire etc. It was full packed residential camp; all the participants were enriched with lot of new learning. The camp was ended on 31st noon with the concluding holy Eucharist celebrated by Bishop of same diocese.