Date: 23.04.2019
Place: Kangolia, Near to Kenya Border, Tanzania

On 23red of April the SMA Mission members along with Mr. Kivara the former Catechist of Kifaru Parish; visited the 50 Hectares of Land belongs to the Kifaru Parish at Kangolia near to Kenya border I Tanzania. Mission Director Rev. Fr. Alwyn M. J. D’Souza, Asst. parish Priest rev. Fr. Joseph Rodrigues, Parish council treasurer Mr. Kefa Slivery, Project coordinator Mr. Prashanth were present during the visit.

This land was given by the Kileo Village Govt. in late 1950s to the then catholic missionaries of Holy Ghost Fathers [Spiritans] congregation; who visited the place for the spiritual and health mission activities. Then the village people requested to start the education mission for the poor children of this area. In response the missionaries built a 3 class room building and conducted classes for few years, students from nearby villages (some are at present part of Kenya) used to come for the education. Later on when the Tanzania got Independence in 1961 the missionaries moved to other mission stations in Tanzania. Still this place is recognized as ‘Katholiki’ means ‘Place belongs to the Catholics’ by the local people and they fondly remember the missionaries.



















At present the land is barren and full of thorny bushes. Mission team and parish council is planning to establish few catholic families in the land and then allowing them to cultivate the land. Also planning to secure the land with natural fencing.

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Tanzania Mission Africa:

The Society of Mangalore Africa Mission®,  
P. O. Box 113, Mwanga,
Kilimanjaro Region,
East Africa

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