Date: 28-31 December 2019
Place: immaculate Conception of Mary Parish Kifaru

8 students were helped for education this year by Society of Mangalore Africa Mission (SMAM).  Alphonse Simon, Francis Simon, Hosea Isidori, Damas Tumani, Thomas Simon and Samson Haider were helped for the secondary school studies; Beatrice Mbogo was helped for her Form V studies and Fedes Mutui, was helped for the Deploma in Medicine. The money was given to them to pay their school fees.  This has helped them to go freely to the school.  Now they have no much tension about the fees to be paid. They will study with peace.  They will not have much tension so they can study well.  
There are many more students need support, students of higher studies have their different time, so balance of money is kept separately to be used in the coming months as and when the support is required to be given.  Now we are following the procedure through St. Vincent De Paul association to identify the needy and deserving students.  





Note books were distributed to all the youth (Form I and above) going to various studies on 28th December when we had the Youth day celebration.   42 young students took the benefit of this.  Some did not attend the program so they could not get this benefit.  On 29, 30, and 31st, we went to every Substation and had a meeting of the children from Class I to Class VII. Children were given a petty talk on the importance of education and the need to study well. Fr. Hilary the Parish Priest spoke to the children and then distributed the books to the children. This was a good occasion to meet the children and instruct them and motivate them to study well.

Contact Us

Tanzania Mission Africa:

The Society of Mangalore Africa Mission®,  
P. O. Box 113, Mwanga,
Kilimanjaro Region,
East Africa

Mangalore Office:

Bishop's House
Kodialbail Post- 575 003
Karnataka State

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