Date: 21.01.2020
Place: SJS Organic Farm & Center for Excellence Mwanga
On 21st of January 2020, Mr. Jordan Ghama President of Africa Organic Networks (AFRONET) & CEO of Tanzania Organic Agriculture Movement (TOAM) visited SJS organic farm & center for excellence. He was on visit to Moshi for the organic exhibition. Farm director Rev. Fr. Alwyn M. J. D’Souza received & welcomed him on his arrival. Then he was interfused to the journalists who are undergoing the training program at SJS.
Mr. Martin, farm technical officer & Fr. Alwyn took Mr. Ghama for farm tour while showing various activities of the farm in the organic field of agriculture. Mr. Ghama was amazed to see so many activities, rural technology, fruits and vegetable crops, livestock and EM technology. He surprised and mentioned SJS is truly a center for excellence. Later during the formal gathering while addressing the journalists he announced the financial support to SJS organic to support & strengthen the research and documentation activities conducted at SJS though the AFRONET Knowledge Hub project. On his return hr planted a Litchi tree sapling in memory of his visit to SJS.